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Does Quora marketing help brands to generate sales leads?

· PPC,Digital Marketing,Austin SEO Company
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Quora is a popular question-and-answer platform where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users. What makes Quora different from other Q&A sites is that many of the questions being asked on Quora are business-related in nature rather than just "how do I" or "what is." Thus it provides companies in Dallas with an opportunity to create brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites.

For example, let's take the question below:

"What are some great examples of digital marketing strategies?"

One of the answers currently on Quora is from a marketing strategist from a digital marketing agency who has provided a link back to his website to demonstrate the effectiveness of his work. One example is how companies can use Quora to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites.

Here we will explore some of how companies can use Quora to increase brand awareness and attract traffic to their sites.

How Quora marketing helps brands generate effective sales leads?

Companies can use Quora to increase brand awareness, highlight industry-related trends and provide valuable content for potential customers.

Some companies are not sure how to use Quora for their marketing purposes. The following are tips for companies who wish to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites through Quora.

Create a profile

Create a Quora account and update it regularly. The account should have the company's branding in Dallas and describe their industry in broad terms.

The company profile should include several questions answered by the company's employees, which highlight their expertise within the industry.

This can increase awareness of a company's brand and provide insight into its industry expertise.

Taking part in the Quora community

In Dallas, digital marketing agencies are taking part in the Quora community by answering questions within their areas of expertise or asking questions that they would like to see answered.

The Quora community consists of users from all over the world; thus, companies should ensure that they answer any questions posted in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner.

For an example of how brands could use Quora for marketing purposes:

Companies like YellowFin Digital provide a digital marketing service, and it is regularly asking questions on Quora that are related to the digital marketing industry. One of these questions is "What are some strategies for content marketing?". 

The company's social media manager or digital marketing specialist could provide an answer to this question. It offers the opportunity to demonstrate its expertise within the 

digital marketing industry and create a relationship with potential customers.

Answer questions in a value-added way

One of the great ways to contribute to Quora is by providing answers to questions that are relevant to your area of expertise. Answers should be long enough to provide the user with advice or information, but not so long as to be unreadable or boring.

For example:

A company that wants to provide a value-added answer for the following question:

"What are some strategies for content marketing?"

The company's digital marketing specialist could provide an answer which covers all of the following aspects:

  • How to draft a content marketing strategy
  • How to use different forms of media as part of a digital marketing campaign
  • Where to distribute your content

This would provide the user with an answer that has value and is likely to be beneficial.

Following relevant topics

Since Quora has a global community, companies should ensure that they follow 

relevant topics to provide the users with both accessible and informative answers. Focus on what people search for and what people ask for to get genuine traffic for your business.  

For example

The following are some topics that would be relevant for a company that provides digital marketing services:

  • Content marketing
  • Google+
  • Digital Marketing Strategy

It allows companies to demonstrate insight and knowledge within their area of expertise and provides them with opportunities to answer questions that show off their knowledge.

Lead generation

Answering questions related to your industry allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your industry and provides you with opportunities to mention services offered by your company.

If a user asks a question that requires an answer that your company can provide, you should mention the service your company offers.

For example

A user asks: "What is the best form of advertisement for a new business?"

If a company provides advertising services, then they can answer this question and mention their services. This method of lead generation has the potential to provide a steady stream of quality leads as a user will be more likely to contact you when they are in need of your services.

Contact followers

Companies should regularly check their followers and follow those who regularly ask questions or regularly answer questions. If a user has followed your company, then you should follow them back and make contact.

Contacting followers is a quick and easy way to build rapport with potential customers that are interested in your industry.

On Quora, users can ask and answer questions in the areas of business, marketing, technology, and more. Users tend to follow others with whom they have a common interest. As such, users that ask and answer questions related to your industry are potentially interested in what you have to offer as a company.

In Conclusion

Using Quora as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy, you can provide answers that show off your knowledge and expertise in the digital industry while also creating opportunities to acquire quality leads. It can be a valuable lead generation strategy to help companies build their email lists and generate high-quality leads.

Digital marketing agencies are able to help companies answer questions that are relevant to their area of expertise. They have the knowledge and experience in digital marketing to provide insight on how Quora can be utilized as a marketing tool. Get connected with them!